Revolutionizing Biologics Drug Discovery with AI: A Leap Forward with PEACCEL and Google Cloud

We’re thrilled to share an exciting milestone at PEACCEL – our disruptive AI discovery platform for biologics is setting new benchmarks in the pharmaceutical industry. By unlocking previously inaccessible spaces, we are identifying novel, life-changing drugs that were only possible in nature 1% of the time. Imagine the potential when we can screen 1 billion molecules in a single day!

🌐 A Game-Changing Collaboration: PEACCEL & Google Cloud 🌐

Our journey has taken an exhilarating turn as we were handpicked to join the Google Startup Program. This collaboration is not just an endorsement of our innovative approach; it’s a catalyst for exponential growth and impact. Here’s what this means for the pharmaceutical industry:

  1. Massive Scale Screening: From millions to over a billion molecules per day, pushing the boundaries of drug candidate identification from good to the BEST.
  2. Industrial Scale AI: Our platform’s scalability is now supercharged, ready for real-world applications at an industrial level.
  3. Unprecedented Computing Power: Access to a vast array of GPUs, expanding our computing capacity to accelerate drug development, reduce costs, and bring life-saving treatments to market faster.
  4. Robust Infrastructure & Tools: Leveraging Google’s state-of-the-art technology to enhance our research capabilities, foster innovation and drive forward the future of drug discovery.
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