PEACCEL assembles an innovative and result driven scientific team with more than 20 years of expertise in the field of bioinformatics, machine learning, protein evolution and the development of products to market. The researchers of PEACCEL have graduated at top universities or engineer schools and have acquired numerous years of industrial experience. Our polyvalent team applies its expertise and know-how for the development of peptides, industrial enzymes and antibodies for our industrial partners.
PEACCEL’s scientists already integrate at an early stage down stream process and product development costs which permits to efficiently evaluate the feasibility of the project and to integrate go/no go milestones. We have also established a transparent reporting system which enables customers and academic partners to rapidly trace and follow the project process and ensures that the project stays on track. The scientific expertise and the industrial mind set of our team enables us to respond to our principal challenge: to develop sustainable solutions for our partners and to promptly satisfy their exigences.